We loaded up our dog,
Cooder, and took him with us on a junk escapade. He's got a nose for good junk! We came home with a few items from a tag sale in the valley.

Our favorite is this adorable old toy hutch, we placed it next to the stove in the kitchen. Remember our landscaping project? The mini bottle sitting on the hutch....hubby found it while digging up the yard. We think it is some sort of antique pharmacy bottle. Now it holds a tiny flower from our garden just perfectly. Oh, and the cute little pot holder is vintage too.

This rag rug was another find. Someone took the time to make it from old sheets. It washed up nicely and now stops the dirt from entering the house in front of the patio door.
Gotta go now, Cooder's diggin up some new plants!
Cooder is so adorable with those cool sunglasses on! Guess he's gotta be wtih cool sisters. ;)