In less than a week I'll be sitting on the
beach in Cabo gettin ready to hand over my
first born to a wonderful,
beautiful girl! She is perfect for him and quite's time to hand the reins over. (Havin' three boys takes a toll on ya,
worryin' all the time about them). Now that's
Sarah's job!!!! MaMas done!
Yippie! Hip Hip Hooray!
Just kiddin'!! He has blossomed into a
wonderful man and she compliments him well. Plus she's really good to his
MaMa and that matters,
right?! Most of all she's got the
approval from my hubby,
and my dear Sarah, that is
hard to come by!

Since our Portland show has passed I can now turn all my
attention to the
wedding. I'll be doing the flowers so I have spent much time on google images lookin' for ideas. Look what I came across today...
so sweet.

Burlap has been all the rage for awhile now, but here is a
perfect use for it. For more burlap
wedding ideas go
here. Not so sure if I can use burlap for a beach wedding but I thought it was cute enough to share with you.

I will be
creatin' luminaries out of vellum for the reception centerpieces and I'll make paper tissue flowers to add
color on the tables. I would like to do a bunting for the trellis arch on the beach. If you have any good ideas,
send them my way. Remember I have to be able to pack it or the supplies for it in my suitcase so it has to be sorta
flat. Do you think I could do something similar to this below? Maybe with more tissue flowers hanging from the arch for color?
Ok! I better get back to work!!!!
Mother of the groom!